# --- Number of questions available in each round --- @trivia.C.1 = 50 @trivia.C.2 = 50 @trivia.C.3 = 50 @trivia.C.4 = 50 @trivia.C.5 = 50 # --- Trivia questions and answers: format [Q|A][ROUND][NUMBER] --- # --- Level 1 Question --- @trivia.Q.1.1 = [One who busies himself with the quadrature of a circle is called a----------] @trivia.A.1.1 = [tetragondzein] @trivia.Q.1.2 = [80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: True Faith] @trivia.A.1.2 = [new order] @trivia.Q.1.3 = [Rangoon is the capital of ______] @trivia.A.1.3 = [burma] @trivia.Q.1.4 = [TV / Movies: 1975 - Michael Caine - Starred In This Movie] @trivia.A.1.4 = [the man who would be king] @trivia.Q.1.5 = [In boy meets world,what is the crazy older brother's name?] @trivia.A.1.5 = [Eric] @trivia.Q.1.6 = [TV / Movies: Indiana Jones: Who was Indy's diminutive sidekick in the second film] @trivia.A.1.6 = [Short Round] @trivia.Q.1.7 = [TV/ Movies: 1992 - Denzel Washington - starred in this movie:] @trivia.A.1.7 = [mississippi masala] @trivia.Q.1.8 = [UnScramble this Word: i i e t s t d] @trivia.A.1.8 = [tidiest] @trivia.Q.1.9 = [in 'star trek', who was the captain of the 'enterprise c'] @trivia.A.1.9 = [rachel garret] @trivia.Q.1.10 = [If you were born on 17 March what star sign would you be] @trivia.A.1.10 = [pisces] @trivia.Q.1.11 = [What Hollywood starlet's pinup graced the most GI barracks in World War II?] @trivia.A.1.11 = [betty grable] @trivia.Q.1.12 = [Music : Song: Name The Artist: You've Got A Friend] @trivia.A.1.12 = [james taylor] @trivia.Q.1.13 = [AUTHORS: Who wrote Brief History of Time] @trivia.A.1.13 = [stephen hawking] @trivia.Q.1.14 = [TV/ Movies: Born Jan 18, 1955, He starred in this movie: Waterworld - 1995] @trivia.A.1.14 = [kevin costner] @trivia.Q.1.15 = [Automysophobia is a fear of ___ ___] @trivia.A.1.15 = [being dirty] @trivia.Q.1.16 = [TV/ Movies: 1996, This movie was released on December 6 ----------] @trivia.A.1.16 = [daylight] @trivia.Q.1.17 = [which british government section was the first consignment of ballpoint pens meant for] @trivia.A.1.17 = [royal air force] @trivia.Q.1.18 = [Name the ship in which Sir Ernest Shackleton sailed to the Antarctic] @trivia.A.1.18 = [endurance] @trivia.Q.1.19 = [Phonetic Radio Call Signs: EAR] @trivia.A.1.19 = [echo alpha romeo] @trivia.Q.1.20 = [TV/ Movies: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in this movie: Madame Sans-Gne - 1961] @trivia.A.1.20 = [sophia loren] @trivia.Q.1.21 = [TV/ Movies: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in this movie: The Year of Living Dangerously - 1983] @trivia.A.1.21 = [sigourney weaver] @trivia.Q.1.22 = [where are a snail's reproductive organs] @trivia.A.1.22 = [head] @trivia.Q.1.23 = [On MASH,what was Walter 'Radar' O'Reilley's home town?] @trivia.A.1.23 = [ottumwa,iowa] @trivia.Q.1.24 = [TV/ Movies: Who played steve douglas on "my three sons"] @trivia.A.1.24 = [fred macmurray] @trivia.Q.1.25 = [Which word is related to these three: rat, blue, cottage] @trivia.A.1.25 = [cheese] @trivia.Q.1.26 = [what's the first sign of the zodiac] @trivia.A.1.26 = [aries] @trivia.Q.1.27 = [Definitions : -isms: A one-party system of government in which control is maintained by force and regimentation.] @trivia.A.1.27 = [facism] @trivia.Q.1.28 = [What sport features a railroad split] @trivia.A.1.28 = [bowling] @trivia.Q.1.29 = [Who developed the vaccine for smallpox] @trivia.A.1.29 = [edward jenner] @trivia.Q.1.30 = [Who was the first man to win the Formula One motor racing championship] @trivia.A.1.30 = [farina] @trivia.Q.1.31 = [UnScramble this Word: n h p t y o] @trivia.A.1.31 = [python] @trivia.Q.1.32 = [What sea animal looks like a pin cushion] @trivia.A.1.32 = [sea urchin] @trivia.Q.1.33 = [what is produced in the bessemer process] @trivia.A.1.33 = [steel] @trivia.Q.1.34 = [A quarter of Russia is covered by----------] @trivia.A.1.34 = [forest] @trivia.Q.1.35 = [If Tabouleh was on the menu what would be its main ingredient] @trivia.A.1.35 = [wheat] @trivia.Q.1.36 = [Who was the Greek Muse of Comedy] @trivia.A.1.36 = [thalia] @trivia.Q.1.37 = [Where's the famed Arch of Hadrian] @trivia.A.1.37 = [athens] @trivia.Q.1.38 = [who recorded 'a boy named sue'] @trivia.A.1.38 = [johnny cash] @trivia.Q.1.39 = [On which Athens hill top would you find the Parthenon] @trivia.A.1.39 = [the acropolis] @trivia.Q.1.40 = [Name the capital city of Massachusetts] @trivia.A.1.40 = [boston] @trivia.Q.1.41 = [Before 1992 what 4 letters were on Soviet Olympic vests] @trivia.A.1.41 = [cccp] @trivia.Q.1.42 = [TV/ Movies: Born July 1, 1967, She starred in this movie: Naked Souls - 1995] @trivia.A.1.42 = [pamela anderson] @trivia.Q.1.43 = [What word links these: ambulance, field, pocket] @trivia.A.1.43 = [air] @trivia.Q.1.44 = [South African open countryside] @trivia.A.1.44 = [veld] @trivia.Q.1.45 = ["Mr. Mojo Risin" is an anagram for...] @trivia.A.1.45 = [Jim Morrison] @trivia.Q.1.46 = [UnScramble this Word: r i k s s e] @trivia.A.1.46 = [skiers] @trivia.Q.1.47 = [What is the capital of Chechnya] @trivia.A.1.47 = [grozny] @trivia.Q.1.48 = [With which musical instrument was Benny Goodman associated] @trivia.A.1.48 = [clarinet] @trivia.Q.1.49 = [What is the capital of texas] @trivia.A.1.49 = [austin] @trivia.Q.1.50 = [Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Jupiter] @trivia.A.1.50 = [zeus] # --- Level 2 Question --- @trivia.Q.2.1 = [What type of sword was excalibur] @trivia.A.2.1 = [long sword] @trivia.Q.2.2 = [what do you call the playing pieces in dominoes] @trivia.A.2.2 = [bones] @trivia.Q.2.3 = [In 1630 Italian Jesuit Niccolo---------- , 1st to see 2 belts on Jupiter surface] @trivia.A.2.3 = [zucchi] @trivia.Q.2.4 = [Who was the leader of the Transformers?] @trivia.A.2.4 = [Optimus Prime] @trivia.Q.2.5 = [In 1950 First "Peanuts" Comic Strip featuring ---------- and Snoopy appears, in 9 newspapers] @trivia.A.2.5 = [charlie brown] @trivia.Q.2.6 = [TV/ Movies: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in this movie: The African Queen - 1951] @trivia.A.2.6 = [katharine hepburn] @trivia.Q.2.7 = [Who had a face that "launched a thousand ships] @trivia.A.2.7 = [helen of troy] @trivia.Q.2.8 = [In which battle were 4 japanese carriers destroyed] @trivia.A.2.8 = [midway] @trivia.Q.2.9 = [What ceased to be legal tender in the U.K. on 30th June 1980] @trivia.A.2.9 = [sixpence] @trivia.Q.2.10 = [What does the Latin phrase Deo Volente mean] @trivia.A.2.10 = [god willing] @trivia.Q.2.11 = [Stephen King: Short story featuring a home-made, magic computer?] @trivia.A.2.11 = [word processor of the gods] @trivia.Q.2.12 = [What name is given to the region at the southern end of Argentina and Chile, stretching from the Atlantic to the Andes] @trivia.A.2.12 = [patagonia] @trivia.Q.2.13 = [What was invented by Ludovic Zamenhof] @trivia.A.2.13 = [esperanto] @trivia.Q.2.14 = [70's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Hi-De-Ho] @trivia.A.2.14 = [blood, sweat & tears] @trivia.Q.2.15 = [Name Their Job: Rupert Murdoch] @trivia.A.2.15 = [publisher] @trivia.Q.2.16 = [Other than mistress, how was Kristin related to J.R. Ewing] @trivia.A.2.16 = [sister in law] @trivia.Q.2.17 = [TV/ Movies: Born Aug 25, 1930, He starred in this movie: From Russia With Love - 1964] @trivia.A.2.17 = [sean connery] @trivia.Q.2.18 = [Which plants belong to the genus Urtica] @trivia.A.2.18 = [nettles] @trivia.Q.2.19 = [TV/ Movies: Born Jan 3, 1956, He starred in this movie: The Bounty - 1984] @trivia.A.2.19 = [mel gibson] @trivia.Q.2.20 = [What is the capital of Venezuela] @trivia.A.2.20 = [caracas] @trivia.Q.2.21 = [In 1961 U.S. backed ---------- invasion in Cuba. Ended in failure.] @trivia.A.2.21 = [bay of pigs] @trivia.Q.2.22 = [Who invented the telescope] @trivia.A.2.22 = [galileo galilei] @trivia.Q.2.23 = [The Cairn terrier is great at catching -------] @trivia.A.2.23 = [rats] @trivia.Q.2.24 = [The dominant decorative style of the 20s & 30s.] @trivia.A.2.24 = [art deco] @trivia.Q.2.25 = [What is the Capital of: Kiribati] @trivia.A.2.25 = [tarawa] @trivia.Q.2.26 = [Mount Citlalteptl is the tallest mountain in which Latin country] @trivia.A.2.26 = [mexico] @trivia.Q.2.27 = [Which is Britain's largest native carnivore] @trivia.A.2.27 = [badger] @trivia.Q.2.28 = [In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'f'] @trivia.A.2.28 = [foxtrot] @trivia.Q.2.29 = [The study of religion is] @trivia.A.2.29 = [theology] @trivia.Q.2.30 = [TV/ Movies: What was eddie murphys character name in beverley hills cop] @trivia.A.2.30 = [axel foley] @trivia.Q.2.31 = [What is the only river that flows both north and south of the equator ] @trivia.A.2.31 = [congo] @trivia.Q.2.32 = [Name the biggest hit: Laura Branigan] @trivia.A.2.32 = [gloria] @trivia.Q.2.33 = [What is the worlds deepest lake] @trivia.A.2.33 = [lake baikal] @trivia.Q.2.34 = [who ended his news broadcasts with "glad we could get together"] @trivia.A.2.34 = [john cameron swayze] @trivia.Q.2.35 = [Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of] @trivia.A.2.35 = [malaysia] @trivia.Q.2.36 = [What does an vexillologist study] @trivia.A.2.36 = [flags] @trivia.Q.2.37 = [What was the third country to get the bomb] @trivia.A.2.37 = [britain] @trivia.Q.2.38 = [Which company manufactures the Pentium microprocessor] @trivia.A.2.38 = [intel] @trivia.Q.2.39 = [Actress Kate Capshaw is married to this popular producer and director] @trivia.A.2.39 = [steven spielberg] @trivia.Q.2.40 = [In which city was Bram Stoker born?] @trivia.A.2.40 = [dublin] @trivia.Q.2.41 = [Name the movie: Dec 11 1998 Life is ----] @trivia.A.2.41 = [beautiful] @trivia.Q.2.42 = [Geographically what is a caldera] @trivia.A.2.42 = [large volcanic crater] @trivia.Q.2.43 = [Acronym Soup: AYT] @trivia.A.2.43 = [are you there] @trivia.Q.2.44 = [Which hollywood actor combined gibraltar and a river to create his name] @trivia.A.2.44 = [rock hudson] @trivia.Q.2.45 = [Don Henley and Glenn Frey are members of which band] @trivia.A.2.45 = [the eagles] @trivia.Q.2.46 = [Who drew the Peanuts series of cartoons] @trivia.A.2.46 = [charles schulz] @trivia.Q.2.47 = [What was the novel Jaws by Peter Benchley originally called] @trivia.A.2.47 = [the summer of the shark] @trivia.Q.2.48 = [What is an osteopath] @trivia.A.2.48 = [bone specialist] @trivia.Q.2.49 = [Hitch hikers guide. The presidents job is not to wield power, but to ____] @trivia.A.2.49 = [draw attention away from it] @trivia.Q.2.50 = [UK 50s: _The Mousetrap_ opened its London stage run, but who wrote it?] @trivia.A.2.50 = [agatha christie] # --- Level 3 Question --- @trivia.Q.3.1 = [90's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: All About Soul] @trivia.A.3.1 = [billy joel] @trivia.Q.3.2 = [Which is the second largest city in Sweden] @trivia.A.3.2 = [gothenburg] @trivia.Q.3.3 = [The average giraffes ____ is two or three times that of a healthy man] @trivia.A.3.3 = [blood pressure] @trivia.Q.3.4 = [Name the artist: Let's dance] @trivia.A.3.4 = [dawid bowie] @trivia.Q.3.5 = [What is the worlds tallest grass] @trivia.A.3.5 = [bamboo] @trivia.Q.3.6 = [In 1933 Yevgeny V ___ USSR, cosmonaut on Soyuz V was born] @trivia.A.3.6 = [Khrunov] @trivia.Q.3.7 = [In 1866 Herbert George Wells Bromley, England was born. He wrote ___] @trivia.A.3.7 = [war of the worlds] @trivia.Q.3.8 = [In which city did Zlata Filipovic write a diary in the 1990's which began just before her 11th birthday] @trivia.A.3.8 = [sarajevo] @trivia.Q.3.9 = [This cluster of stars is also known as the seven sisters] @trivia.A.3.9 = [pleiades] @trivia.Q.3.10 = [where is the only place in great britain where the queen cannot go] @trivia.A.3.10 = [house of commons] @trivia.Q.3.11 = [Kingston the capital of ______] @trivia.A.3.11 = [jamaica] @trivia.Q.3.12 = [TV/ Movies: Born Jul 6, 1946, He starred in this movie: Rocky - 1976] @trivia.A.3.12 = [sylvester stallone] @trivia.Q.3.13 = [Which group had a hit in 1985 with Everybody wants to Rule the World] @trivia.A.3.13 = [tears for fears] @trivia.Q.3.14 = [Spike Lee's breakthrough 1986 low-budget sex comedy] @trivia.A.3.14 = [shes gotta have it] @trivia.Q.3.15 = [Of what is graphology the study] @trivia.A.3.15 = [handwriting] @trivia.Q.3.16 = [In which month of the year are Nobel Prizes presented] @trivia.A.3.16 = [december] @trivia.Q.3.17 = [What was the name of the cat in Pet Cemetary] @trivia.A.3.17 = [church] @trivia.Q.3.18 = [As what was Anne Bonney notorious in the 18th century] @trivia.A.3.18 = [pirate] @trivia.Q.3.19 = [In 1938 ____ Zeppelin II, worlds largest airship makes her maiden flight] @trivia.A.3.19 = [graf] @trivia.Q.3.20 = [When Liszt played his piano sonato to Brahms in 1853 what did Brahms do] @trivia.A.3.20 = [fall asleep] @trivia.Q.3.21 = [What living organism can be 30 times the size of a blue whale] @trivia.A.3.21 = [a giant sequoia] @trivia.Q.3.22 = [What underwater explosive missiles are shot from a submarine] @trivia.A.3.22 = [torpedoes] @trivia.Q.3.23 = [What is a group of squirrels called] @trivia.A.3.23 = [dray] @trivia.Q.3.24 = [He was the legendary front man for the band Roxy Music] @trivia.A.3.24 = [bryan ferry] @trivia.Q.3.25 = [when the students in 'dead poets' society' stood on their desks and said 'o captain! my captain', who were they quoting] @trivia.A.3.25 = [walt whitman] @trivia.Q.3.26 = [what instrument does johnny winter play] @trivia.A.3.26 = [guitar] @trivia.Q.3.27 = [In 1991 Inaugural ---------- awareness day.] @trivia.A.3.27 = [aids] @trivia.Q.3.28 = [Quotations: "--------------- is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."- Napoleon] @trivia.A.3.28 = [history] @trivia.Q.3.29 = [If you were born on 30 December what star sign would you be] @trivia.A.3.29 = [capricorn] @trivia.Q.3.30 = [In 1990 ---------- announces it will send 4,000 troops to the Persian Gulf.] @trivia.A.3.30 = [france] @trivia.Q.3.31 = [Which river runs through Florence] @trivia.A.3.31 = [arno] @trivia.Q.3.32 = [Which was the sacred animal of ancient Egypt] @trivia.A.3.32 = [cat] @trivia.Q.3.33 = [What sequence is this the start of 1 3 12 60 360 2520] @trivia.A.3.33 = [even permutations] @trivia.Q.3.34 = [In 1886 ____, Apache indian, finally surrenders, ending the last major US-Indian war] @trivia.A.3.34 = [geronimo] @trivia.Q.3.35 = [This band was named for its lead singers red hair] @trivia.A.3.35 = [simply red] @trivia.Q.3.36 = [What is the deadliest snake in the world] @trivia.A.3.36 = [taipan] @trivia.Q.3.37 = [Who wanted 'A new drug'] @trivia.A.3.37 = [huey lewis] @trivia.Q.3.38 = [What does a compass needle point to] @trivia.A.3.38 = [north] @trivia.Q.3.39 = [What chess piece is usually valued at 5 points] @trivia.A.3.39 = [rook] @trivia.Q.3.40 = [What film did Rock Hudson and Doris Day star in together in 1959] @trivia.A.3.40 = [pillow talk] @trivia.Q.3.41 = [What artist painted waterlilies] @trivia.A.3.41 = [claude monet] @trivia.Q.3.42 = [What is an ulster] @trivia.A.3.42 = [long overcoat] @trivia.Q.3.43 = [What author wrote Single and Single] @trivia.A.3.43 = [john le carre] @trivia.Q.3.44 = [What nationality was Goya] @trivia.A.3.44 = [spanish] @trivia.Q.3.45 = [What combat sport did Dr Jigoro Kano devise in japan in 1882] @trivia.A.3.45 = [judo] @trivia.Q.3.46 = [Brussels is the capital city of] @trivia.A.3.46 = [belgium] @trivia.Q.3.47 = [This marsupial native to australia feeds on eucalyptus leaves] @trivia.A.3.47 = [koala] @trivia.Q.3.48 = [What has superseded Newtonian mechanics on the atomic scale] @trivia.A.3.48 = [quantum mechanics] @trivia.Q.3.49 = [Beatles: So we sailed up to the sun till we found the sea of green] @trivia.A.3.49 = [yellow submarine] @trivia.Q.3.50 = [cubital refers to what part of the body?] @trivia.A.3.50 = [elbow] # --- Level 4 Question --- @trivia.Q.4.1 = [Who is the teenage witch] @trivia.A.4.1 = [sabrina] @trivia.Q.4.2 = [Who painted 'Portrait of me'] @trivia.A.4.2 = [matisse] @trivia.Q.4.3 = [What wood is chippendale furniture made from] @trivia.A.4.3 = [mahogany] @trivia.Q.4.4 = [A __ can go longer without water than a camel can] @trivia.A.4.4 = [rat] @trivia.Q.4.5 = [How were Mr Barrow and Miss Parker better known] @trivia.A.4.5 = [bonnie and clyde] @trivia.Q.4.6 = [Which countrys national flag has a tree depicted on it] @trivia.A.4.6 = [lebanon] @trivia.Q.4.7 = [Relatives: Aeneas' mom] @trivia.A.4.7 = [aphrodite] @trivia.Q.4.8 = [Who sang the title theme of the James Bond film A View to a Kill] @trivia.A.4.8 = [duran duran] @trivia.Q.4.9 = [What is the only crime for which church sanctuary is not available] @trivia.A.4.9 = [sacrilege] @trivia.Q.4.10 = [A group of oysters is known as a] @trivia.A.4.10 = [bed] @trivia.Q.4.11 = [In 1741 Vitus Bering, Dutch ----- and explorer died] @trivia.A.4.11 = [navigator] @trivia.Q.4.12 = [What does S.C.A stand for ? hint: medieval re-enactment] @trivia.A.4.12 = [society for creative anachronism] @trivia.Q.4.13 = [What kind of steak is named after a French writer and statesman] @trivia.A.4.13 = [chateaubriand] @trivia.Q.4.14 = [What was the final destination of the first US paddle wheel steamboat, which departed from pittsburg] @trivia.A.4.14 = [new orleans] @trivia.Q.4.15 = [In which ruins was the first known written advertisement found] @trivia.A.4.15 = [thebes] @trivia.Q.4.16 = [Which country has the top level domain .dk] @trivia.A.4.16 = [denmark] @trivia.Q.4.17 = [Which country has the top level domain .ir] @trivia.A.4.17 = [iran] @trivia.Q.4.18 = [What play contains the line 'something is rotten in the state of Denmark'] @trivia.A.4.18 = [hamlet] @trivia.Q.4.19 = [Who played clyde to faye dunaway's bonnie] @trivia.A.4.19 = [warren beatty] @trivia.Q.4.20 = [Gastritis affects the] @trivia.A.4.20 = [stomach] @trivia.Q.4.21 = [What is the US's windy city] @trivia.A.4.21 = [chicago] @trivia.Q.4.22 = [What band sold the most number of records in the 1970's] @trivia.A.4.22 = [led zeppelin] @trivia.Q.4.23 = [What nickname did Imelda Marcos share with a heavy metal group] @trivia.A.4.23 = [iron butterfly] @trivia.Q.4.24 = [Who wrote Portnoy's Complaint] @trivia.A.4.24 = [philip roth] @trivia.Q.4.25 = [He is said to have fiddled while Rome burned] @trivia.A.4.25 = [nero] @trivia.Q.4.26 = [What acid is found in unripe apples and other fruit] @trivia.A.4.26 = [malic acid] @trivia.Q.4.27 = [Name the actor. Who played Jake Lamotta] @trivia.A.4.27 = [robert de niro] @trivia.Q.4.28 = [What is the main constituent of naturan gas] @trivia.A.4.28 = [methane] @trivia.Q.4.29 = [There are two perennial vegetables, asparagues and --] @trivia.A.4.29 = [rhubarb] @trivia.Q.4.30 = [Name the album: When doves cry, I would die 4 u] @trivia.A.4.30 = [purple rain] @trivia.Q.4.31 = [Who discovered Phobos] @trivia.A.4.31 = [asaph hall] @trivia.Q.4.32 = [Who won an Oscar for Best Actor for the film Leaving Las Vegas] @trivia.A.4.32 = [nicolas cage] @trivia.Q.4.33 = [What do you call a citizen of Grenada @trivia.A.4.33 = [grenadian] @trivia.Q.4.34 = [Who was called Il Duce] @trivia.A.4.34 = [mussolini] @trivia.Q.4.35 = [An important conference was held in 1945 in this polish city] @trivia.A.4.35 = [potsdam] @trivia.Q.4.36 = [How is the mathematically related structure of beads drung on parallel wires in a frame better known ] @trivia.A.4.36 = [abacus] @trivia.Q.4.37 = [Which lachrymose character teaches Alice to sing "The Lobster Quadrille"] @trivia.A.4.37 = [the mock turtle] @trivia.Q.4.38 = [Who is credited with inventing television] @trivia.A.4.38 = [john baird] @trivia.Q.4.39 = [What country's alps surround Lake Lucerne] @trivia.A.4.39 = [switzerland] @trivia.Q.4.40 = [What kind of puppet is controlled by strings] @trivia.A.4.40 = [marionette] @trivia.Q.4.41 = [Cheers: Woody's home town] @trivia.A.4.41 = [hanover] @trivia.Q.4.42 = [What is the apparent gap between Saturn's A and B rings called] @trivia.A.4.42 = [cassini division] @trivia.Q.4.43 = [Who was the Japanese equivalent of Lord Haw Haw] @trivia.A.4.43 = [tokyo rose] @trivia.Q.4.44 = [In 1974 French president Georges ---------- died in Paris] @trivia.A.4.44 = [pompidou] @trivia.Q.4.45 = [Corfu is a member of which island group] @trivia.A.4.45 = [ionian islands] @trivia.Q.4.46 = [Irish trivia. What does Erin Go Bragh mean] @trivia.A.4.46 = [ireland forever] @trivia.Q.4.47 = [What color shoes was Pat Boone known for] @trivia.A.4.47 = [white] @trivia.Q.4.48 = [What do you collect if you are a numismatist] @trivia.A.4.48 = [coins] @trivia.Q.4.49 = [Which element has the symbol MG] @trivia.A.4.49 = [magnesium] @trivia.Q.4.50 = [What was the name of the plane that Charles Lindberg flew across the atlantic] @trivia.A.4.50 = [Spirit of St. Louis] # --- Level 5 Question --- @trivia.Q.5.1 = [Who said all matter comes from fire, water, earth and air] @trivia.A.5.1 = [aristotle] @trivia.Q.5.2 = [The US congress comprises the senate and which other house] @trivia.A.5.2 = [house of representatives] @trivia.Q.5.3 = [What actress was born June 1 1926] @trivia.A.5.3 = [marilyn monroe] @trivia.Q.5.4 = [Who was assasinated by Gavrilo Princip to spark the beginning of World War I?] @trivia.A.5.4 = [archduke ferdinand] @trivia.Q.5.5 = [What is Britains second city] @trivia.A.5.5 = [birmingham] @trivia.Q.5.6 = [In what country is the cheese bolbo produced] @trivia.A.5.6 = [france] @trivia.Q.5.7 = [What roman emperor made his horse a senator] @trivia.A.5.7 = [caligula] @trivia.Q.5.8 = [Who painted The Laundresses] @trivia.A.5.8 = [edgar degas] @trivia.Q.5.9 = [What does a marsupial mouse have that other mice don't] @trivia.A.5.9 = [a pouch] @trivia.Q.5.10 = [What four letter acronym stood for the former Soviet Union? (not ussr)] @trivia.A.5.10 = [cccp] @trivia.Q.5.11 = [What was the name of the last space station of the soviet union] @trivia.A.5.11 = [mir] @trivia.Q.5.12 = [Who was the first man to orbit the earth] @trivia.A.5.12 = [gagarin] @trivia.Q.5.13 = [Who was the second man on the moon] @trivia.A.5.13 = [buzz aldrin] @trivia.Q.5.14 = [Japan consists of the four large islands of hokkaido, ____ shikoku, kyushu and about three thousand smaller islands] @trivia.A.5.14 = [honshu] @trivia.Q.5.15 = [Quotation: A ______ is a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours - m. Berle] @trivia.A.5.15 = [committee] @trivia.Q.5.16 = [Which american states name is Spanish for warm or warm land] @trivia.A.5.16 = [california] @trivia.Q.5.17 = [Acetylsalicylic acid is more commonly known as] @trivia.A.5.17 = [aspirin] @trivia.Q.5.18 = [What river runs through Linz, austria] @trivia.A.5.18 = [danube] @trivia.Q.5.19 = [Miss Moneypenny adores this figure.] @trivia.A.5.19 = [james bond] @trivia.Q.5.20 = [In which Californian city would you find Wilshire Boulevard] @trivia.A.5.20 = [los angeles] @trivia.Q.5.21 = [What does the E in LASER stand for] @trivia.A.5.21 = [emission] @trivia.Q.5.22 = [Traumatophobia is the fear of] @trivia.A.5.22 = [injury] @trivia.Q.5.23 = [Animal Trivia: February 18, 1930 marks the first flight by a ---------- in an airplane.] @trivia.A.5.23 = [cow] @trivia.Q.5.24 = [Which French composer wrote "Symphonic Fantastique"] @trivia.A.5.24 = [hector berlioz] @trivia.Q.5.25 = [In heraldry what is a two legged dragon called] @trivia.A.5.25 = [wyvern] @trivia.Q.5.26 = [Which swimming stroke is named after an insect] @trivia.A.5.26 = [butterfly] @trivia.Q.5.27 = [What soviet leader succeeded Stalin] @trivia.A.5.27 = [Khrushchev] @trivia.Q.5.28 = [What sovied leader said 'Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.'] @trivia.A.5.28 = [Stalin] @trivia.Q.5.29 = [What soviet general, responsible for breaking the german siege of Stalingrad later became leader of the USSR] @trivia.A.5.29 = [Khrushchev] @trivia.Q.5.30 = [What were the Stalinist labor and concentration camps called] @trivia.A.5.30 = [gulag] @trivia.Q.5.31 = [What did Gregor Mendel study] @trivia.A.5.31 = [heredity] @trivia.Q.5.32 = [Physicist and government adviser who directed the development of the first atomic bomb] @trivia.A.5.32 = [oppenheimer] @trivia.Q.5.33 = [A male turkey] @trivia.A.5.33 = [gobbler] @trivia.Q.5.34 = [What religion was founded by Lao-Tzu] @trivia.A.5.34 = [taoism] @trivia.Q.5.35 = [What was the name of the handheld device discontinued by Steve Jobs] @trivia.A.5.35 = [newton] @trivia.Q.5.36 = [Acronym: IOW] @trivia.A.5.36 = [in other words] @trivia.Q.5.37 = [In greek mythology, which titans forged thunderbolts for zeus] @trivia.A.5.37 = [cyclops] @trivia.Q.5.38 = [Of which metal is azurite the ore] @trivia.A.5.38 = [copper] @trivia.Q.5.39 = [The french army was the first to use this form of communication] @trivia.A.5.39 = [semaphore] @trivia.Q.5.40 = [What insect family has the most varieties, making up 290,000 of the 751,000 insect classes] @trivia.A.5.40 = [beetle] @trivia.Q.5.41 = [A person employed to drive a car] @trivia.A.5.41 = [chauffeur] @trivia.Q.5.42 = [In what australian state would you find devonport] @trivia.A.5.42 = [tasmania] @trivia.Q.5.43 = [In which country did the Gallipoli Campaign take place] @trivia.A.5.43 = [turkey] @trivia.Q.5.44 = [TV/ Movies: Who was Lou Costello's partner] @trivia.A.5.44 = [bud abbott] @trivia.Q.5.45 = [Movie quotes: There is no spoon] @trivia.A.5.45 = [the matrix] @trivia.Q.5.46 = [Islamabad is the capitol of ___] @trivia.A.5.46 = [pakistan] @trivia.Q.5.47 = [What does Aurora Australis mean] @trivia.A.5.47 = [southern lights] @trivia.Q.5.48 = [The America's Cup left home for the first time to go where] @trivia.A.5.48 = [australia] @trivia.Q.5.49 = [What's the decimal equivalent of the binary number 101] @trivia.A.5.49 = [five] @trivia.Q.5.50 = [What do the letters ERA mean in baseball] @trivia.A.5.50 = [earned run average]